1 HOUR £55
This bespoke professional bodywork treatment can be booked as a 60 minute or 90 minute appointment and will concentrate on whatever problem you may be presenting with on the day. Whether that is a specific pain area or point of injury, or needing to allow the mind to switch off from whatever stresses or worries you may be holding onto so that we can support you through any emotional crises and work with the holding patterns within your body.
Every treatment isn't set to a routine and is tailored to whatever you may present with on the day. Even if you attend regular appointments, this may be for a specific reason, including just needing to relax and reset. So each time we will listen to you and your body, and work with you to facilitate any change that the body feels it needs.
Depending on your presentation the treatment may include a combination of swedish massage involving soft, long, kneading strokes as well as light, rhythmic strokes on topmost layers of muscles, if there is a specific problem area, then our deep tissue & advanced techniques including movement of the joints will enable us to work deeper into the tissues to assess where and how we might improve the symptoms and ease your discomfort.

Lovely location, I didn’t want to leave!! Lovely therapist, such a kind soul to be around. And most importantly, a lovely massage! My lower back feels much looser and much more comfortable now. Left feeling calm and relaxed, can’t wait to do it all again! Thank you xx